Our Mission is to increase marketability and efficiency for real estate companies and individual agents. We feel the best way to deal with 21st Century deadlines, problems, and needs is a system based on 20th Century technology, rather than 19th Century technology. Our commitment is to provide companies and agents with enhanced photo products and internet-related services.




Introductory Pricing
Anybody that thinks our prices are too low, we're willing to negotiate higher pricing.
Gallery PixPak $50.00
10 Exterior and Interior Photos
STLPix.com online Brochure System
STLPix.com online Photo Gallery
Upload images to designated sites specified by Company and or Agent
On-demand Color brochures @ 75 cents per copy
PixPak $30.00
1 Exterior photo
STLPix.com online Brochure System
Upload images to designated sites specified by Company and or Agent
On-demand Color brochures @ 75 cents per copy
Agent PixPak $30.00
Using 1-10 photos supplied by Agent
STLPix.com online Brochure System
STLPix.com online Photo Gallery
Upload images to designated sites specified by Company and or Agent
On-demand Color brochures @ 75 cents per copy
QuickFix PixPak $20.00
1 Exterior photo
STLPix.com online Brochure System
On-demand Color brochures @ 75 cents per copy
OnLine Brochure System INCLUDED
This system has been carefully designed to maintain traditional relationships. Anyone accessing a listing must go "through the agent" to get there. All brochures stored on our system are available for printing by anyone with an Internet connection and a printer. These days, that's likely to include the agent's home & office, the seller's home & office, and a potential buyer's home & office. That puts a lot of attractive visuals and information in the very hands it needs to be in very efficiently. The effort, quality and cost of printing is left up to the individual. Anyone with a fairly new laser printer should be able to produce very high quality B/W prints at minimal cost and time. Color ink-jet prints don't come out half-bad either. Please see our Printing Instructions page.
Color Printing Services Prices Vary
High quality color laser prints on premium paper at 75 cents/copy.
- Includes delivery to office (min order 10 copies)
Any agent using our services for 80% of listings, 70 cents/copy.
Any office using our services for 80% of listings, 60 cents/copy.
- This discount will apply to orders by the office or any agent in that office.
Agent Home Page FREE
Once you're on the system, we will create an Agent Home Page, which will be accessible by clicking through company and office. You will also have a permanent URL which you will be able to bookmark, have printed on business cards, etc. Your free initial page will be created using one of our standard templates. You will need to provide a photo and logo. If you want to dress it up, tell us what you'd like & we'll give you a quote. Typically, we can add a bio page, awards info, other afflilations, etc., etc. for $100 or less. If you want an animated graphic of you flying your Mercedes thru the Arch or your head pasted on Godzilla's body, we can do that, too. You will also have a password-protected Adminstration Page to order our products & services, and print out invoices from us (a very important part, from our perspective).

Email DTPhoto or Webmaster@STLPix.com
This site designed, hosted, and maintained by Transgalaxy Productions.
All photography by DT Photo, St. Charles, MO.